We purchased 2 duets and used them heavily for 3 months while we were on the road. We were absolutely blown away by their performance. Our only complaint was about the supplied breakout cable. It would become a tangled mess that had to be dealt with every time we wanted to use the duet.
After about 3 months of on- the-road use we noticed a buzz when the duet was used with our MacBookpros. When we removed the charger from the laptop the buzz would go away. The first thing we did was to check the breakout cable. As it turned out the grounds in the breakout cable had broken. When we checked our second breakout cable we were surprised to find out that its grounds were broken as well.
We did a little research and found out a new breakout cable would cost us $25.
When we realized a replacement breakout cable is $25 and it only lasted for about 3 months we decided to build our own breakout. One that would last as long as the duet and wouldn't have to be untangled every time you wanted to use it.
We designed the duet: BREAKOUT box and took it on our next road trip. Everyone who had a duet and saw us using our custom breakout asked where they could get one. So we started making them for our friends. When we decided to offer our BREAKOUT box on a larger scale we had our boxes powdercoated and silkscreened with our new logo.
Now you can join us and make you music rig that much better.